Sunday, April 4, 2010


I still haven't quite caught up with my blog! There's so many things I want to write about! I'm starting to feel really disappointed, because this 365 is supposed to be sort of a journal too, but I've just been too busy to write in depth about some of the things that I have been doing.

Here's some 365!

DAY 85 - March 26, 2010
TITLE: Susanang Daldal

Today is my maternal grandfather's birthday. We all endearingly call him Lolo Pico. He loved horses and owned a couple of 'em as well. I just wanted to take this moment to remember him. He's been gone for over 10 years but I still think of him a lot and miss him quite often. He was such a sweet and caring person!!

DAY 86 - March 27, 2010
TITLE: Mango Love
MEDIUM: Pastels

I spent the whole afternoon riding around the southern end of the island, which is always a treat. On the way home, we picked up some pickled mango that left my tongue happy but my tummy feeling funny. Yum! Haha. In honor of mango season, I drew a mango couple. My boy mango digs older mango ladies. :P

DAY 87 - March 28, 2010
TITLE: Sunday Funday

I was chillin' at the beach with a couple of friends and I figured I'd do some doodling in the sand. The boys collaborated by making my hair look crazier. It's a simple doodle, but difficult to do around boys who want to deface your artwork with falic symbols!

DAY 88 - March 29, 2010
TITLE: Awkward Gibbous
MEDIUM: Acrylic

The other day, while driving at about 4 AM, the moon was incredibly huge and entrancing. I didn't have my camera and by the time I came home, it had practically disappeared into a horizon, so I tried to recreate it from memory. When I see the moon at this size, it's usually when it is a full moon, so this is the first time I have seen it this large during the gibbous phase.

My astronomy professor was talking about how this phase of the moon is slightly awkward and no one really likes it. She also mentioned how she's seen very few paintings of a gibbous moon. Now that I've made an attempt at it, I can totally see why.

DAY 89 - March 30, 2010
TITLE: Unbound
MEDIUM: Markers

Sometimes, being single sucks, but it's pretty awesome knowing that you're no longer bounded to anyone who isn't meant to be for you.

DAY 90-91: March 31 and April 01, 2010
TITLE: (Work in Progress)
MEDIUM: Pencil, Acrylic

Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the piece I'm working on. :) I wanted to get the painting done by DAY 90, to celebrate three whole months of art, but I didn't quite get to it.

DAY 92: April 02, 2010
TITLE: Cupcakin'
MEDIUM: Mixed - Acrylic, Water Color & Pastel

This is the offspring of DAY 90 & DAY 91. I had so much fun with this one! I used acrylic for the background, and cut-out cupcakes using zigzag scissors and threw on some water color and pastels for color. Then, for my favorite part - textured acrylic for the frosting. Mmm. I want one of these in my backyard!

This piece was meant to be a greeting for all the April babies! HAVE A SWEET BIRTHDAY!!!

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