Thursday, February 18, 2010

Don't Give UP, Give LOVE!

DAY 48: February 17, 2010
TITLE: Reminder: Give LOVE!
MEDIUM: white board markers

As I was looking for some feedback from my FB friends on what I should give up for Lent, my friend's mom made a wonderful suggestion. Instead of people giving up stuff, people should give.

I have never successfully fulfilled a Lenten sacrifice and this year, I am going to try really hard to go out of my way and do something extra nice for people.

I'm trying to set the guidelines for what "extra nice" is. I told my mom about my little mission and she said, "I do nice things for people everyday". While my mom is really that much of a sweetheart, I explained to her that this sacrifice would entail more than just the usual nice things we do for our family and friends, like doing things for strangers or people we aren't really close to. Then she also added that you could do something for someone that you don't particularly get along with. I also thought about what actions qualify as "extra nice", realizing that the actions don't have to be particularly extremely grand gestures, but as long as you take the time out to go a bit out of your way to do something for someone else.

So, I scribbled this little note to myself as a reminder of my mission. It's not going to be an easy one, but I think it would do more good for society than me giving up rice or chocolates. Hopefully, this Lenten season, I will develop the habit of doing something nice for other people.

Wish me luck! I really want this to work out!

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Ghandi

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